Walnuts are known as the best nuts we can eat because of their high levels of antioxidants, which help protect our cells. They're an easy, nutritious snack on their own, or add them to a homemade trail mix.  

Walnuts can be used to make things like pesto or plant-based chorizo, even desserts. These tacos are one of my favorite ways to use them.

Just like almonds, they can also be made into a nut butter or milk. They're also a great way to flavor up salads. Seriously, if you haven't tried them in a salad yet, do. I think you'll be shocked at how they spruce it up!

Health Benefits

A few servings of walnuts are enough to help your body fight inflammation. They are a great source of omega-3s, which are the healthy unsaturated fats. In fact, just 25 grams of walnuts can provide 90 percent of your recommended daily intake of omega-3s.

Omega-3s boost heart health by lowering blood pressure and stroke risk. They also help reduce your body’s bad cholesterol, while increasing the good cholesterol. Have you ever noticed they actually look like our brain? Well, they're considered a brain food as they help fight off dementia and stress levels.

They are good for your tummy because they promote fast metabolism, and help maintain healthy weight.

They have anti-cancer properties, too, which may help lower your risk of dying from certain types of cancers, such as breast, prostate, pancreatic and colon cancer, by up to 40 percent.

Health Benefits of walnuts

Other nutrients include vitamins A, B6, E and K, as well as iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, potassium, zinc, manganese, selenium and sodium.

As for their medicinal purposes, walnut oil is used in massage therapy and aromatherapy. They contain a compound called melatonin, which aids in improving your sleep. As for beauty purposes, they help strengthen hair, and improve its growth. They also promote younger looking skin. 


Did you know that walnuts have been around since the 7000 B.C.? With a longer lifespan than a human, their trees have been long used as food, shelter, medicine and more. They are a part of the nut family, along with cashews, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia, pecans, pistachios and pine nuts.

Around 90 percent of walnuts in the US are grown here in California. The three main types are the English or Persian walnut, black walnut, and white or butternut walnut. The black and white walnuts are native to North America, but the English walnuts are the most commonly consumed.

Health Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts are harvested in December, but you can buy them all year round at the grocery store or farmers’ market.

There are prepackaged walnuts available, but it’s cheaper if you buy them in bulk. Always make sure that you buy those that are heavy for their size. Don’t pick the ones with cracks or stains as these are often the signs of mold.

When storing, keep them in an airtight container and put in the fridge. They can last up to six months there, even up to a year when put in the freezer.

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  • Hi Megan,

    I have no idea that humans are enjoying the benefits of walnuts since 7000 B.C. It is really amazing that nature has blessed us with so many wonderful gifts for keeping us healthy and fit, and walnuts is one such gift. The benefits provided by it are amazing and are not just limited for health and expand even to our skin and hair. One should include a handful of walnuts ( or any other nuts like almonds,cashews) etc. in his diet to enjoy all these benefits but while doing it is important to eat them in moderation and give preference to unsalted one. If consumed in excess, they can lead to weight gain because of their high calorific value.

  • Proud Vegetarian says:

    I like walnuts, they're a great source of vegetable fats to replenish your seed and keep that testosterone running strong which in return helps you to build muscle.

  • Suraj Kumar says:

    Hey Megan,

    Walnuts, I really like it and this post tells why other should eat walnuts also. This post has immense information about the benefits of walnuts.

    These nuts were popular in ancient civilization too. Regarding the post now I also know that walnuts have medicinal properties too. It tastes good and it has many health benefits. It has great number of nutrients that can prevent many diseases and can also boost our immune system. And the best thing about it is we can buy walnuts in any part of the world.

    Thanks for sharing the post having beneficial properties of walnuts. Keep sharing.

    With regards,

    Suraj Kumar

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