If you're into natural remedies or consider yourself a crunchy mama then you might have heard about drinking raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy.

I didn't find out about it until I was well into my third trimester with Rowan, which is when most midwives suggest starting to drink this tea.

Red raspberry leaf is what it sounds like, they're the leaves from the red raspberry plant. It's considered an herbal tea.

It's not my favorite tea to drink, but when I make this recipe for Red Raspberry Tea Latte it's delicious!

It has a mild flavor and one thing you should know is it does NOT taste like raspberry, as one might think. I don't drink it for the flavor though… I drink it for the health benefits!!

Why I'm Drinking It Daily Right Now 

Red raspberry leaf tea has been used for years and years to support a healthy pregnancy as it's shown to strengthen the uterus and has shown to help shorten labor time. Mothers who drank it had fewer medical interventions, including C-sections.

This is why I've decided to start drinking it every day. It's said to help with nausea in the first trimester, but I'm just starting to drink it in my second… thankfully the nausea is gone!

My labor with Rowan was loooong and hard. I'd been in the hospital for 2 days but when it finally came time to push, I actively pushed for almost 3 hours!

If this tea has shown to shorten labor time, I'm drinking it!

CAUTION: It's reported Red Raspberry Leaf Tea can cause uterine cramping and if this happens. you may want to stop drinking it. Always discuss with your midwife or health care provider especially if you have history of preterm labor. 

I've had a few friends start drinking it in their second trimester and believe it played a role in having a positive labor.

As I mentioned in my Instagram stories, I'm actively doing more things this time that have shown to promote “easier” labors so this has been added to my routine.

I've been drinking about 10 ounces of this tea every day since about week 16.

Benefits For Getting Pregnant 

For anyone struggling with pregnancy, red raspberry leaf tea has shown to balance hormones that can increase fertility and improve reproductive health.

As I mentioned before it's shown to strengthening the uterus which can help prevent miscarriages.

Red raspberry leaf tea has also shown to help prevent premenstrual cramping, support respiratory health and improve digestive health.

Not Just For Women

It's packed with antioxidants that help prevent aging and boost immunity.

So it's not necessarily just for pregnancy and it's safe for men and children to drink.

I buy this organic red raspberry leaf tea and I use this tea kettle to make it.

I try to drink more loose leaf tea because most tea bags contain toxins and plastics that we shouldn't be drinking.








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