Now that the temperatures are warmer we'll be spending more time outside, hiking, camping or just taking a nice summer stroll. This also means we'll be fighting off bugs, especially mosquitos! Instead of reaching for the bug repellents that are full of chemicals, how about trying some of these more natural remediesthat are better for your health and children!

Apple cider vinegar

It's a truly multipurpose remedy that can help with so many things, including mosquitos. Add equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Use it on areas where mosquitos tend to hang out. You can even spray it on yourself to keep them away.

Some experts claim that if you consume apple cider vinegar regularly you'll actually change your natural scent and it will repel mosquitos. Now, I'm not sure how true that is, but it doesn't hurt to try because apple cider vinegar does have a lot of health benefits.


Planting lavender in your yard helps to keep mosquitos and other biting bugs away. They're actually not a fan of the smell. You can also use lavender oil on your skin. Another plant mosquitos are not fond of is mint! That's an easy one to grow even if you don't have a large outdoor space.

Aunt Fannies Bug Repellent Wipes 

These DEET-Free wipes are made with clean ingredients and easy to take on the go. They're made of mostly different oils and things that are safe for the skin. They're even safe for children as early as 6 months old.

Nantucket Spider Bug Repellent Spray 

This is a DEET-free spray that is safe for the family. It's made up of a variety of organic essential oils that help repel bugs. This spray can even help keep ticks off you.

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