Healthy Fats with Fruit and Veggies

One of the main reasons we eat salads is because they're so good for us, but what if you're eating it and not reaping all the benefits?!

A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that good fat is needed to maximize the absorption of important nutrients from fruits & veggies.

So if you don't have good fat included with your produce, your body is missing out on a lot of benefits.

The one fat we should all be eating is this one here

The fatty salad dressings aren't the best thing to go for because of the processed oils and other additives that are in them.

You can stick with a healthier low-fat dressing, but add 5-10 nuts or 1/4th of avocado on a salad, and it gives you enough fat to increase the absorption of all the nutrients!

Below are some of my favorite ways to add clean fats into our meals.  

  • Almond butter with fruits like apples, bananas or berries 
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed to smoothies
  • 1/4 of avocado to salads or smoothies 
  • 1 handful cashews in stir-frys or blended in a soup
  • 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed meal to juices 
  • Small handful of nuts on salads
  • Nut butter with oatmeal