Health benefits of cherrirs

Did you know cherries help reduce pain better than pain relieving pills like Advil? Pretty impressive, right? That's why I drink this smoothie when I'm needing some pain relief.

They also have been shown to help clear skin and keep wrinkles away! Cherries are a healthy, sweet treat that can be enjoyed from May through end of June – early July.

In their off-season, I buy them frozen from Whole Foods by the 365 brand. (This is not an ad for Whole Foods, just recommending what I actually buy.)

Besides the fact that cherries are pain relievers, and natural beautifiers, drinking cherry juice has shown to improve sleep and help you recover from jet lag. Who knew?!

Don't worry about eating too many. The sugar in cherries does not raise blood sugar like processed, refined sugar.

Other health benefits include:

1. Filled with anti-aging properties that helps slow the aging process. 

2. Packed with antioxidants that prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.

3. Reduces inflammation, arthritis and joint pain with their anti-inflammatory properties .

4. Lowers your risk of getting diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gout, Alzheimers and more! 



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