There are legends in some Asian countries that the smell of a jujube fruit made people fall in love. It was also used as a good luck charm with fertility for newlyweds.  Although they are also called red dates, Chinese dates, Korean dates or Indian dates, jujubes are not really related to dates. They just have similar texture and flavor.

Jujubes are red inside and out, and they come from a small tree that originated in southern Asia. They have over 700 varieties in China, and around 40 here in the US. You may find the sound of its name funny, but this fruit has a long history of health benefits and more. Many people use the sweet and fresh smell of jujube leaves and flowers to keep the bugs away from homes.
Jujubes are very rich in vitamin C – about 20 times more than any citrus fruit, which is why they work wonders in fighting off infections and boosting the immune system. Just a few servings can give an instant detox to your body!

They have a good amount of a variety of nutrients, such as vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, copper, niacin, calcium, manganese, phosphorus and iron. In addition to that, they contain 18 out of the 24 important amino acids.

Some studies show that jujubes can possibly reverse liver disease, heart failure and even stop tumor growth that leads to certain types of cancers.

Jujubes naturally purify your blood. They are great for your blood circulation, as they help regulate your blood pressure and treat anemia.

As a home remedy, jujubes are very effective in treating cold and cough. Their calming nature also provides relief from stress and anxiety, promoting a peaceful sleep. So if you are having a hard time sleeping at night, you may want to snack on this fruit.

Being rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron, jujubes are good for keeping your bones and teeth strong. They also help reduce your risk of osteoporosis and other age-related bone diseases.

Jujubes are low in calories, so they may also aid in weight loss. They will keep you feeling full for longer and will help curb unnecessary cravings. They are actually good for your overall gut health because they also aid in digestion, treat diarrhea, and prevent constipation, bloating, cramps, and other stomach problems.

Another amazing benefit of this fruit is that it is used in various skin care products to treat sunburn, soften dry skin, and reduce wrinkles, scars and other signs of aging. It also helps in keeping your skin tight and treating skin irritations like acne and eczema.

Some pregnant women eat jujubes to provide relief from morning sickness and abdominal pain. But it’s still best to consult with your doctor.

 You can eat jujubes as they are – fresh or dried. All you need to do is peel the fruit and remove the single seed inside. You can also use them as a substitute for dates or apples in your dessert dishes or as a sweetener to your teas. Chinese people even use them to make wine.

The fully ripe jujube is reddish brown in color, and is slightly wrinkled. Make sure to buy organic to get the most health benefits. I promise you will enjoy the taste of this juicy fruit!
Other benefits include:

  • Reduces free radical damage in the body
  • Assists in  preventing allergies
  • Helps regulate cholesterol levels
  • Shown to treat hair loss




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