
Making your own almond butter is really simple to do. The only ingredient you need is almonds! A lot of times the store-bought nut butters have extra oils and sugar in them. Not to mention they can be pretty pricey! This is a lightly roasted almond butter that tastes delicious on things like a bowl of oats and banana.

You do not need to soak your almonds beforehand. All you do is spread the almonds on a baking sheet, place in oven for 10 minutes, turning them after 5 minutes. Then let cool before blending. You can blend them in a food processor or a good blender like the Vitamix. The process takes a little longer in the food processor, and you'll need to scrape the sides. In a high speed blender it only takes about 5 minutes. Once it has blended to a smooth and creamy texture, transfer the almond butter to a glass jar. You can store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator up to a month.



Please use all organic ingredients when possible!
Course Snack
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Author Megan Lawson


  • 3 cups Raw Almonds


  • Preheat oven to 350
  • Spread Almonds on baking sheet lined with parchment paper. *You do not need to soak the almonds beforehand*
  • Place in oven and roast for 10 min. Turning them after 5 min
  • Take out and let cool before blending.
  • Best to blend in a Vitamix or food processor. The Vitamix will take less than 5 min. Make sure to press down on the almonds with the Accelerator. The food processor could take up to 20 minutes until all the almonds are blended.
  • Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator up to a month.

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